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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Chair of Economic Geography – Prof. Dr. Stefan Ouma

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2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    all years

Date News
23.11.2022 Stefan Ouma gave a talk at the University of Gothenburg.
18.11.2022 Certificate Study Programme “Africert” successfully launched.
28.10.2022 Stefan Ouma gave a talk in the Political Worlds Seminar at the University of Oxford.
23.10.2022 New paper on “Value-Chain Agriculture in Northern Ghana” published in Globalizations.
31.07.2022 Gastkommentar von Stefan Ouma im Nordbayerischen Kurier zu „Rassismus und Bayreuth: Reden und Handeln.“
27.06.2022 Africa Multiple? Critical Reflections on the Discipline of Economics in Africa
21.06.2022 Berufsveranstaltung „auf einen Mate mit“ – mit Elena Büttner, Expertin im Bereich Citymanagement und Regionalentwicklung
15.06.2022 Podcast: Who cares? Feministische Perspektiven auf Care-Arbeit
07.06.2022 Berufsveranstaltung „auf einen Mate mit“ – mit Renard Teipelke, Experte für resiliente Infrastruktur und Klimafinanzierung.
02.06.2022 Discussing Difference 2. Juni um 18.00 Uhr (online)
02.06.2022 Covert racism in Economic Theory
05.05.2022 Defiant scholarship: Dismantling coloniality in contemporary African geographies
28.04.2022 Vernetzungstreffen der Feministischen Geographien in Berlin
29.03.2022 Workshop on Using Qualitative Methods for Researching “The Economy”, University of Nairobi, 29 March, 2022
17.02.2022 Beyond Productivity: Reimagining Futures of Agriculture and Bioeconomy
10.02.2022 “Africa: Why Economists get it (Really) Wrong”: Reflections on a Debate between Franklin Obeng-Odoom and Morten Jerven
08.02.2022 Book Review Symposium on “Farming as Financial Asset” in Dialogues in Human Geography
20.01.2022 Discussing Difference 3rd February at 18.00 on Zoom
17.01.2022 New Paper: How does "the Plantation” help us to make sense of the technological present-future?
17.01.2022 Call for contributions to the AK Labour Geography Meeting 2022;
Feb 10-11 hybrid (online and Bonn);
last date 17 January

Webmaster: Michael Wegener

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